Body Focused Psychotherapy:
Embrace your body wisdom.

Body Focused Psychotherapy:
Embrace your body wisdom.

Emotional Regulation and the Nervous System

The goal of emotional regulation is to help us, and those around us to know that we can have feelings and still be okay, safe, and loved. The mind and body are connected through the vagus nerve, the longest nerve in the autonomic nervous system, stretching from the brainstem to the colon. It is our internal control center, allowing the brain to monitor and receive information about many of our bodily functions. We use the Polyvagal Theory framework as a tool for understanding the connection between the mind, body, and emotions.

Reclaiming Body Sovereignty

When it comes to our body, we can once again experience trust, peace and respect.  Reclaiming Body Sovereignty is an empowering approach developed by Sydney to heal body shame by nurturing body trust, body peace and body respect. In this practice we tap into the power of Self Compassion, Mindfulness and Discernment. Discover tools such as Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size® to heal your relationship with food and movement. Learn radical body acceptance and embrace that all bodies are good bodies – including yours!

Health at Every Size

The Health at Every Size (HAES®) approach to eating and weight issues is a major shift in thinking from traditional approaches because its emphasizes self-acceptance and healthy day-to-day behaviours instead of a focus on weight or body size. Letting go of weight loss as a focus can feel scary and controversial in a society where the pursuit of thinness is an unquestioned prescription for health and happiness. But the unhealthy and devastating consequences of the pursuit of thinness that is experienced by so many invite us to explore a different approach to health and wellbeing. 

For more information about HAES®, check out the Association for Size Diversity and Health.

Mindfulness - Compassion - Discernment

Check out my Reclaiming Body Sovereignty workbook to support you on your Body Sovereignty journey…or learn more about working with me.